Thursday, December 25, 2014

How to convert solar energy from solar panels into usable energy

Solar companies often focus on design is also a source of solar energy equipment related to businesses and households. Solar Gadgets Solar who are most likely to be an effective means for yourself, try to reduce spending. Solar panels to reduce the amount of energy used to heat water and your family. Although the use of solar panels and cut off your power prices down, they are not cheap, it may take several years to recover the cost of reducing energy costs.

Solar harm ecosystems entails much smaller and lower prices, contrary to the use of electricity and non-renewable fuels burned to provide energy for our daily lives.

Solar energy is sustainable, non-polluting, widely available, anyone who does not have, in any country, for free! It can be directly used for heating the air, thus providing heat buildings; this work in a similar manner to the greenhouse. Instead, heat transfer to heat water central heating or washing, and may be accumulated by the solar panel to.

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Solar energy is not available at night, making energy storage an important issue, in order to provide continuous availability of energy. Two wind power and solar power generation is irregular energy, which means it can be used where it can be used when all the available outputs, must be taken if it is available, either stored or transported in the transmission line.

Solar energy can be stored in a high-temperature molten salt. Two such use solar energy storage, so that it is capable of storing 4460; TJ m ^ tank, sufficient to provide a complete output about 99% efficiency.

A green, clean and national energy given by solar technology. Solar can even be used to meet our power needs. Solar power is becoming the leading edge of alternative energy sources. Solar companies are increasingly being built international. The reason? For we can not independently associated with old age are not energy gases, such as the reasons for fossil fuels, oil and timber to meet each of our growing energy needs.

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